Foreign Affairs:The 53rd Venice Biennial Taiwan Pavilion returns to Taiwan

-Taipei Fine Arts Museum
-Gallery D

Since 1995, the Taipei Fine Arts Museum has hosted the Taiwan Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, providing an international platform for contemporary Taiwanese artists. The theme Foreign Affairs was chosen for the 53rd Venice Biennale Taiwan Pavilion. By recreating this exhibition in Taipei, the museum intends to present the long-term diplomatic mission of the Taiwan art world while creating new possibilities for exploring and reflecting on local issues. The exhibition investigates trans-regional and interdisciplinary art practice, as well as other interactive possibilities in relation to political, economic and social policies deployed under the current conditions of globalization. The theme Foreign Affairs makes reference to transnational contact, and it is through contact with others that people confirm their subjectivity and identity. The four artists participating in the exhibition, Hsieh Ying-Chun, Chen Chieh-Jen, Chien-Chi Chang and Cheng-Ta Yu, all interpose themselves into other regions to experience and practice foreign affairs, presenting unique observations and records of direct intervention, interaction and even conflict in various regions.

1995年起,台北市立美術館 便持續策劃辦理「威尼斯雙年展台灣館」,藉由國際展覽的平台提供台灣當代藝術國際發聲的契機。「外交」為2009年「第53屆威尼斯雙年展台灣館」之展出 主題,本館首次將這「文化外交」的過程移師台北重現,一方面展現台灣藝壇長年實踐外交的成果,同時嘗試賦予展覽另一種在地思考、詮釋的可能性。本展探討當 下全球化下政治、經濟、社會的運作邏輯下,跨地區與跨領域的藝術實踐的狀況,以及另一種溝通互動的可能。「外交」泛指國家與其他國家之間的交往,透過與他 者的互動,人們確認主體與認同間的關係。四位參展藝術家:謝英俊、陳界仁、張乾琦與余政達,皆以個人的身分介入其他地區,透過獨特的親身實踐的方式觀察、 紀錄、甚至直接介入的方式與該地區溝通互動,具體實踐「外交」。
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